• professional guards for all types of social events (provide detectives to protect people, people not to be unlawfully intercepted)

search services for persons and things, (searching for missing people, people on the move, searching for minors, adolescents and their relations)

cooperation with financial institutions before the conclusion of contracts (operational review solvency of the parties and their intention)

assist citizens in solving their problems of family, property, personal and guidelines to address (issues of property, inheritance, divorce)

operational assistance to businesses before concluding the contract, (review of people, their financial circumstances, family situation, solvency and business skills)

obtaining information in connection with debt collection, (review of persons, debtors or the person has a property or their property is not transferred to another person)

Search misconduct endangering business secrets / search and other listening devices / (review of the co-owners or do not work on two sides with the help of technical means)

identifying factors that may serve as evidence before a court or administrative authority (the detection of infidelity, health in the past, if requested by either spouse)

collect data on marital status and the citizen to obtain information on the proceedings of a natural or legal persons and their property relations, (personal information about individuals or legal entities, their actions, their information and skills)

advice regarding the operation of detective services.

Protection of persons and rooms from unauthorized interception.


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